Leonography is 1 year old!

I have been blogging on this blog for 1 year now. It was an eventful year and I learned quite a number of things especially in blogging. Since it is the anniversary, I'm going to share it here.

Traffic does not equal to readership
I started blogging and was introduce Entrecard which promises to increase hit rates and it does but the visitor from there just pop in to drop card and earn credits. They are not sincere in reading the content I have been preparing to share. I did a article on the topic : Do you want more readers or more traffic?

Things started to get more eventful when...

Google closed Leonography due to false positive for being a Spam blog
I was happily blogging about my blog experience and archive every single thing I learned about blogging at this blog. One fine day, I can't access the blog anymore. I was so frustrated that I created another blog to claim this blog back from google. After two months plus of struggle, I gain my innocent and Leonography was back but I lost all my readership. I was spending my time blogging about Toys at Openthetoy.blogspot.com. It took me sometime to come back here to blog about blogging and other internet experiences I learned. Until now, I still do not fully understand what is the reason they suspected me as a spam blog.

The Passing of Michael Jackson and another part of me
I had always been a MJ fan and in the beginning of the my blog, I shared with my readers about my memories of Michael Jackson 1993 Dangerous concert in Singapore. When in June the news of Michael passing was announced, I like all other fans did not believe it. I took out my collections of MJ cassettes that are still with me, I took photos to share what I have which is MJ here to other fans and remember MJ by.

What is Leonography all about? Is it a punchline?
I sure hope not. In Leonography, I tried to share what is closed to my heart in the blogsphere or online world, issue of the world, arts and another other little treasures I have collected along the way. It kinda mix of bit and pieces of my life. Allow me to share with my joy and my fears and in return I would like to hear what's your point of view too.

Thank you for following Leonography. Really appreciate every single one of you. I promise more interesting news and writing. Subscribe to my RSS for that or follow me on twitter.
