Capitol Theatre Visable again!

I was walking pass Cityhall Mrt area when I noticed Capitol Theatre reappear again at plain sight. Well it was not like it was not there before as the former building kind of cover it up.

Since December 1989 the Theatre screened the last movie and I had much fond memory of this cinema as I watched many of my favorite 1980s Hollywood hit movie such as Terminator 2, Wolf and  Michael Jackson Moonwalker.

I remember the feeling of entering a high ceiling cinema and the grandness of coming together for some movie magic experiences. It was a great feeling to watch movie with a group of friends.

I was disappointed that since it closure in 1989, the building was left untouched till today 2012. See it again unblocked by any building reminded me of this theatre. However I don't think this view will last long as the building in the front is rebuilding to a taller building which will hide Capitol theatre again.

The bitter sweet of redevelopment in Singapore... some make it while many does not.
