Disney to buy Marvel in $4 Billion deal

So the word has it that Disney will take over ownership of 5,000 Marvel characters, such as Spider-Man and the X-Men for Four Billion dollars.

Can you imagine how the familiar heroes we grew up knowing with would be like to be with Disney?

Disney is no doubt strong in marketing and for family entertainment. However, Marvel comic books are not only for kids but for Geeks/nerd teens and adults.

Can you imagine how Hulk and Wolverine "Behave"? What about Venom or Dr. Doom? No doubt there will be a Marvel theme park in time to come which the fans can shout about but how much control and "Crossover" do you see them coming?

Here are some reaction from the web from newsarama.com, Idiewire and stormtroopereffect.

Whatever it is, we just have to wait and see. One thing for sure, Disney is getting stronger with 5000 Superheroes in his rank.
