One of the imperfection of using mobile to surf the net remind on flash not being able to load but most importantly the important of view video online. Although there are some smartphone offer players like HTC, most couldn't play the video. Now with Skyfire it has solved that problem regardless it is 1.5 or 2.1 Android OS.

The new Skyfire 2.0 enable android, Nokia and even Window Mobile users to be able to view Video online such as Youtube and some flash application. Skyfire do allow desktop or mobile view as a browser and you can share what you are watching across various social network such as Twitter, facebook and others.
I personally have tested and it is working like a charm on youtube. :D
So Android users,
download Skyfire here!
The new Skyfire 2.0 enable android, Nokia and even Window Mobile users to be able to view Video online such as Youtube and some flash application. Skyfire do allow desktop or mobile view as a browser and you can share what you are watching across various social network such as Twitter, facebook and others.
I personally have tested and it is working like a charm on youtube. :D
So Android users,
download Skyfire here!
Of course it does. So far steve job make it clear they do not support Adobe flash but there are lot of content online especially video that are in flash. Now Skyfire gave the advantage for other smartphone.