Geocities closing soon

I got a call today from a friend of mine informing me about Yahoo!Geocities is closing down later this year. I thought homepage is forever... guess I was wrong...

I started to learn about HTML and web design somewhere in late 1990s and geocities was one of the FREE websites that allow anyone to start a homepage. Before Yahoo! take over, it really was a community sites. Personal homepage owners were communicating to each other and they even elect representatives. Regardless of low web space, people are making the best out of the bandwidth.

I explored and enjoyed making my homepage with frame with was an IN thing then. Creating my own animation gif, banner and adding Midi files as background music. My homepage was more to display my artworks and some side passion.

When Yahoo! taken over, no more FTP and although it can still upload flash files, they added pop-up and side advertisements which were a big turned off to me. Till then I moved on. It's only years later I start blogging.

Today my old homepage is there. I will await more news before acting. If you have any homepage there, I suggest you start backup what is precious to you.

Official news by Yahoo! Geocities.


marie ^^ said…
free services are never forever. It's just a matter of time... in my opinion i.e. :) Their other sources of revenue will determine how long they keep their free services for.
LEon said…
I wish they are tho...but you are correct. :)
Kit Kat said…
Who needs geocities when we have blogger? lol Anyway, back to year 2000, I was using the free version of Home Stead (if I'm not mistaken), the web design software is very good and easy to use for beginner like me. But after a year, the service was not free anymore and I stopped hosting a website until recently I started to use blogger and wordpress. :)
LEon said…
Thanks for sharing Kit Kat. I heard of home stead before but in 2000 I kinda stop the homepage making. Only in mid 2000 i started blogging. :D
I have to say you have quite an impressive blog yourself now.
Kit Kat said…
Thanks for the compliment :) Your blog is not bad too :) We all keep up the good work and publish more quality content ya! :p
LEon said…
Will do kitkat. :D